Friday, July 13, 2007

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Hey everybody,

The other day we met with the Big Brother Big Sisters. What a program they have over there. We met two kids and their big sisters. These girls are in need of companionship and role models with other ladies, and through Big Brothers Big Sisters, these kids receive the mentoring and quality time they wouldn’t have with an adult otherwise.

These kids are getting the nourishment they need from adults that they may not get from home for whatever reason – maybe the parents have a couple jobs to keep the family going or whatever. Big Brothers Big Sisters fills in the gap that’s left there, and I could tell from those folks that they have a lot of involvement with the kids as they grow up.

We were talking about some of the problems they have and how there are myths out there that you have to have all kinds of time and you have to be this “perfect” upstanding citizen to take part in the program. But let me tell ya’: ain’t none of us perfect. It’s how you deal with those problems that could really teach these kids. It’s a shame more folks don’t take part in their program. Right now they’ve got a waiting list of fourteen boys in Blount County who could use a Big Brother.

But it doesn’t take a whole bunch of time to be a Big Brother or a Big Sister. They said if a person takes part in the school program of Big Brothers Big Sisters, it’s an hour commitment a week, and if someone wants to do the community program through them it’s a two hour commitment per week. It’s not a lot, but an hour here and an hour there really adds up to these kids.

It could mean all the world to them.

Well, y'all have a good weekend.

Blog ya’ soon,
Dave Bennett

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