Here it is part two of the funny video blog.
I'll tell ya' one thing: it was hotter than Hades out there. We had the whole campaign cabinet out there, and shooting just went wonderfully. Thank you to Charter and Mike Wiseman, for their patience with a bunch of rookies (except for David Dwyer, of course). For you movie buffs, yes, the same David Dwyer that was in We Are Marshall, Remember the Titans, Runaway Jury, and October Sky. But David Dwyer makes a special appearance in the video. I also want to send a special thank you to George Quarles. Not going to say anything else without giving away too much. Ah, I will show a picture or two.
But it was great fun to do those team-building exercises for the campaign, and it let us let off a little steam – which was needed in these dog days of summer. I think everyone is in for a special treat. As I said in part 1 of this blog, this thing is going to be hilarious. If you can’t tell by those legs I posted before, this is going to be funny. You just wait until the Kick-Off on August 30, and I’d say you better sign up early because the house is going to fill up just to see the members of this campaign make fools of ourselves.
As for the bloopers? I have no comment on the bloopers – other than I didn’t do it! That’s a computer generated Dave Bennett used in those bloopers. And that’s all I got to say.
Well, y'all, August 30th is the Kick-Off, and it’s time to step up and raise money for United Way. We're ready!
Blog ya' soon,
Dave Bennett
Looks like Dave got his clock cleaned!!!! I didn't realize there was a fight scene. Too funny!!!
The guy with the water bottle is huge!! Look at the comparison to Dave. Did you guys get a football player or wrestler involved? Hilarious!!!!!
Ive done tons of work for the United way, I love doing things for the needy. Check out my blog maybe we can backlink each other
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