Thursday, June 14, 2007

Roundabout Woes

Hey everybody,

I'll make this one quick, but I wanted to warn anybody who's headed out to United Way that the roundabout opened at the old Five Points area of East Broadway.

Photo by: Wes Hope (via The Daily Times' website)

Today was my first time coming to the United Way office since that roundabout opened. It took me three times around before I figured out how to get off the thing. Finally, I just jumped two curbs and scraped a stop sign to get through.

A word to the wise: YOU ALWAYS GO RIGHT, not LEFT in a roundabout.

Blog you later,
Dave Bennett

P.S. Feel free to leave a comment, y'all!


LA Law said...

Dear Dave,

So THAT was YOU?!?! I couldn't figure out who was in the car that I passed twice trying to go up Everett Hill from Broadway.

That car of yours sure can rack up some air time!

Lea Anne Law

ajkillian said...


Maybe we should talk to the folks at the Nascar Theme Park to install some rails and maybe a go-cart attendant to take care of any snags like this!

Have a good weekend, Dave!

All the best,
~Aaron Killian~

Sandra Davis said...


Glad you made it to our office! By the way, wonder what happened to the flowers TDOT told us would be in the middle of the roundabout? It looks like we just got concrete. We like the complaints on this end! Thanks for your leadership this year!

Sandra Davis

Melissa Copelan said...

Sandra, I agree on your comment. A planting would have looked much nicer than a slab of concrete. An opportunity missed indeed.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Look, kids, there's Big Ben, and there's Parliament!