Hey everybody,
This past Friday I toured a few of United Way’s partner agencies: LTVEC Birth to Three, Senior Citizens Home Assistance Service, and Douglas Cooperative. I want to thank Cindy Mayes for coming along with us on the tours on Friday. She added a lot of insight, and we shared some great conversations about these agencies.
We started by visiting Pam Potocik and Birth to Three.
And I gotta' say they've got a wonderful program. Birth to Three is a center kind of like a preschool that helps special needs children and their families so that the kids can reach their full potential. Like with Haven House, you walk in and see those kids, and you just know that’s where your heart ought to be if it’s not. These kids have a need, and it’s good that we have folks like Pam who are meeting those needs.
Pam said there was a study done a few years ago that found for every dollar spent on a program like Birth to Three, the community saves between seven and eight future dollars that would have to be spent in rehabilitation and treatment for those kids later on in life. I was floored by that comparison. I mean that’s not why the folks at Birth to Three do what they do, but it has a huge economic impact on our community.
Right now there are 22 children in Blount County who are sitting on a waiting list to join the Birth to Three program, and when I think of those kids, it makes me want to work even harder as campaign chair. We've gotta' raise all the support we can so that these folks can serve these needs in our community.
Plus, we've got to do a better job of getting the word out about the need. If we let the people in our community know what the needs are and communicate that to them, Blount County will give - I have no doubt in my mind. This is a very giving community, and when we let our people know there's a problem, they’ll give.
I better go for now. You all check back soon to hear about my visit with one of the sweetest ladies in Blount County: Mrs. Beasley.
Blog you soon,
Dave Bennett
Aaron Killian from United Way here. I have to comment here since I went with you on this visit: That place was awesome!
It's like a preschool on steroids! Those people at Birth to 3 just work and work and work with those kids. They just push those kids to strive for their best. They're all amazing.
Anyway, Dave, I just had to comment here. Thanks!
All the best,
Dave's right. Birth to Three is an awesome program.
Hey Dave,
I would just like to encourage people out there to visit at least one United Way partner agency this year. For me, it really makes a difference to see first hand how my United Way donation is helping to improve people's lives. Just like these little kids we saw at Birth to Three.
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